Installing Wordpress into your cPanel Hosting Print

  • 143

This guide will assist you with installing Wordpress into your cPanel hosting with us. 

Wordpress can be installed using the Wordpress toolkit.

First you will need to log into your cPanel service.

  1. Head to Wordpress Toolkit under the Applications heading or search it using the top bar
  2. Click Install 

A menu will pop out where you can select the domain name you wish to install the Wordpress installation to, what path you would like it to be saved to (after the /) and various administrator settings. 

  1.  Fill out the form with the domain and setting you wish to have in place, taking note of the administrator details. 
    1. We recommend leaving the installation path (after the /) blank unless you would like to install the site in a different directory as this will install the site at by default.
    2. There are also some additional settings that advanced users may make use of such as Database and Automatic update settings 
  2. Click install 


If you run into any issues with the installation process of Wordpress, feel free to reach out to us via a ticket or through LiveChat and we will be happy to assist! 

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